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The Wild Oysters project

The Wild Oysters project is aiming to restore Britain’s seas to health through the restoration of the native oyster!


Oyster reefs clean our coastal waters and create an important habitat for other marine animals. Native oysters were once commonly found in UK seas, however populations across Europe have declined by 95% since the 1800s. With this decline, we have also lost the benefits they provided.

The project is a national collaboration, led by the Zoological Society of London, Blue Marine Foundation and British Marine, working with the marine industry and local communities and organisations, to deliver restoration sites in England, Scotland and Wales.

Impact and evaluation report 2020-2024

How are we restoring oysters?

Oyster nurseries

Habitat restoration

Education & engagement

Project achievements to date

The Wild Oysters project is working with six marinas and ports around Britain to install a total of 141 oyster nurseries. So far our oyster nurseries have…


billion oyster larvae


different marine species


million litres of water



Why restore native oysters?

When oyster reefs are restored, their ecosystem services and function are restored, which help keep our ocean healthy and resilient.

© 2020, Native Oyster Network- UK & Ireland, Native Oyster Restoration Alliance.

The Wild Oysters Project is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Goal 4

Education enables upward socioeconomic mobility and is a key to escaping poverty.

Goal 11

The world is becoming increasingly urbanized.

Goal 13

2019 was the second warmest year on record

 Goal 14

The ocean drives global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind.

Goal 17

The SDGs can only be realized with strong global partnerships and cooperation.